Random Sam-cat photo. :) |
- I started a new monthly feature called Battle of the Books, where I read two retellings of The Wizard of Oz and
had them battle to the deathreviewed/compared them. - Continued to post my Sunday Shorts - a weekly feature where I highlight and review sf/f short stories available online.
- Exhibited further need for an intervention with my current obsession, the Dark Tower, by posting reviews of Wolves of Calla and Song of Susannah. (It'll be over soon, I promise. Maybe?)
- Listed out what I hope to read this fall, and then promptly realized I will need to quit my job and go live in a cave to actually read all the awesome before fall is over.
I also set up both a facebook page and twitter account for the blog -- so if you are looking for more Exploring Worlds goodness, please like/follow! Besides promoting blog posts, I try and post links to other random fun news I find through out the week on both accounts.
What I am hoping to bring you this October:
- My review of Robin Hobb's new book Fool's Assassin (It is coming this week, I swear it! Oh, Fitz!)
- Another awesome Battle of the Books. October's theme? Weird Westerns, aka Flintlock Fantasy, aka cowboys and magic, aka awesome! Check back next week for my intro post.
- More Dark Tower love: a review of the final book Dark Tower and more Soundtrack Saturdays devoted to the rest of everyone's favorite ka-tet: Eddie, Susannah, and Jake. I loved creating these playlists, so it might something I continue doing for other books / series.
- Some scary read recommendations for Horror October, the Fortnight, hosted by Oh, the Books!
- More awesome short stories with Sunday Shorts.
Wee! I am having fun planning ahead (really! I enjoy planning probably too much), especially with upcoming Sci-Fi November. So get ready for moar bookish / geeky content from Exploring Worlds!
Any requests or recommendations for the blog? Books you are looking forward to in October? Other cuddly cat photos from this month to share? Feel free to leave them in the comments below!
Any requests or recommendations for the blog? Books you are looking forward to in October? Other cuddly cat photos from this month to share? Feel free to leave them in the comments below!